Friday, 16 March 2012

Tukeran Link

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Anchor Text/nama blog : Tutorial Photoshop dan corel Draw
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Privacy Police

This Privacy Statement is based upon best practice principles that aim to ensure a consistent approach in the handling of all types of information collected, stored and used by this agency.

The statement does not override specific legal obligations relating to the collection, use or disclosure of information. It is concerned with processes for the release and sharing of information that enables us to carry out more effectively a range of activities that are in line with our core functions.

The Privacy Statement is aligned to our strategic intentions and seeks to:

  • actively build strong and constructive partnerships with our key stakeholders;
  • support and contribute to whole-of government policies and initiatives;
  • ensure that our personnel are aware of their legal responsibilities and the policies relevant to the sharing of information; and
  • promote community confidence in the manner in which we manage their information.


Information collection

We collect information for the primary purposes of law enforcement, community safety, road safety and crime and justice services. This includes but is not limited to, the investigation of offences, the detection of offenders and the gathering of intelligence information. 

Personal information is information or a documented opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. Personal information can range from your name, address and telephone number to your political beliefs, sexual preferences and medical records.

Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except where you consent or as required by law, such as court processes i.e. summonses and subpoenas. Wherever possible we will collect personal information directly from you, where this is not possible every attempt will be made to ensure that all information collected is accurate, complete and timely.

We will encourage the sharing of information from other sources, where it is not inconsistent with legislative requirements, to assist in the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution or punishment of criminal offences, breaches of the law imposing a penalty or sanction or breaches of a prescribed law.


Through the Western Australia Police, Office of Information Management, we will, by the provision of security safeguards, protect your personal information that we collect and store.  The level of these safeguards will be appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Information use and disclosure

Information gathered may be disclosed to our trusted partners for secondary purposes that are directly related to or provides benefits for our primary purposes. These partners may include:

  • State and federal government agencies;
  • Local government;
  • Insurance companies;
  • Research bodies; and
  • Other related organisations.

The information collected by us and shared with our trusted partners will not be authorised for further release to any third party for any purpose that does not relate directly to our primary purposes.

The release of information to our trusted partners will align with what is reasonably expected by the community. This alignment will include, but is not limited to, assisting with the supply of seamless government services, provision of a safer and more secure Western Australian community and the forming of partnerships with like-minded community organisations.

Under no circumstances will personal information be disclosed for the purpose of direct marketing.

The release of personal information will be monitored by the Office of Information Management. This Office will authorise and record applications for release and disclosures, in line with our policies and procedures.

The release of information shall at all times conform to legislative requirements.

De-identified data is data or information that has been cleansed of all personal information and is released in block format that prevents the identification or possible identification of an individual. The disclosure of de-identified data will be authorised for release where we recognise an agency or community benefit.


Both expressed and implied consent form the basis of this Privacy Statement as it relates to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

Expressed consent is given explicitly, either verbally or in writing such as in the case of the Strong Families Programme or the Drug Court.  In these circumstances direct authority is given for the exchange of information between government agencies by the parties involved.

Only a competent individual can give consent. For the purpose of this Privacy Statement competency means that individuals are capable of understanding issues and forming views based upon reasoned judgements. Consent is deemed to be invalid if there is undue pressure or coercion.

Implied consent arises where consent may reasonably be inferred in the circumstances from the conduct of the individual. 

Where you do not wish personal information to be released to other parties, application should be made to the Western Australia Police, Office of Information Management. This notification must be in writing, outlining the exact nature of the details not to be released, the objections to the release of such information and any other supporting details considered appropriate. Contact details should also be included so that requested actions can be confirmed. Failure to notify us of your wishes to be removed from the principles of this Privacy Statement will be taken by us as consent.

Individual access

Where you wish to access your personal information held by us, a request is to be made in writing. Where it is appropriate, you shall be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of your personal information and where pertinent you shall be given access to that information. You shall where deemed appropriate be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of your information and have it amended.

Website access

If you visit the Western Australia Police website to read, browse or download information, our Internet Service Provider will record the:

  • visitor's server address;
  • visitor's domain; 
  • date and time of visit to the site; 
  • frequency of which pages are accessed and documents downloaded;
  • type of platform and browser used.


Cookies are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which enables the server to collect information back from the browser. By way of cookies internet users are able to collect your personnel information associated with your web site and use the information for marketing purposes.

We do not use "cookies" to obtain your personal information, other than to maintain site statistics.


We will record the details of any email that you send us, including your server IP address, when using our website contact page. The message content of your email will only be viewed by the intended recipient (Western Australia Police).

We will not use this personal information for any other purpose, including mailing lists, or disclose it without your consent, other than as specifically provided for in relevant legislation.  


Our Internet Service Provider has taken all reasonable steps to implement the appropriate security policies, rules, measures and patches to protect your personal information that we have under our control from unauthorised access or improper use. These steps provide a high level of protection within the limits of available technology.

Challenging compliance

Where you consider that we have not complied with the principles outlined in this Privacy Statement, you may in the first instance lodge a complaint with the Western Australia Police, Office of Information Management or the Assistant Commissioner, Corruption Prevention and Investigation.

Should you not wish the alleged breach of compliance to be dealt with internally by us, the matter may be brought to the attention of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations (Ombudsman).


This Privacy Statement and its application is technologically neutral, that is to say it is applied equally to conventional, electronic and digital environments throughout the Western Australia Police.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Website Tempat Download Brush Photoshop

Pada posting ini Piko akan memberikan pengetahuan tentang beberapa website yang akan menunjukkan anda pada web pendownload brush. Ini yang kadang dicari-cari banyak pengguna software Photoshop, yaitu aksesoris. Kadang aksesoris yang kita gunakan masih bajakan. Tapi mau gimana lagi, kebutuhan yang tidak sedikit memaksa kita memakai software bajakan. Semoga kedepannya bisa memakai software original.

Diposting ini, Pickotutor akan memberi website penyedia Brush Tool pada Photoshop. Cekidot

Friday, 17 February 2012

Membuat Grafik Presentasi PowerPoint di Photoshop


Hay sobat PICKOTUTOR, bertemu lagi kita setelah lama gak jumpa. Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang bagaimana membuat grafik presentasi pada power point(Sering disebut template). Tempalte ini fungsinya untuk mempercantik pada saat presentasi. untuk lebih jelasnya kita lihat caranya dibawah.. cekidot

Oh iya jangan lupa download dulu bahan-bahan yang kita pakai:

Langkah 1 : Membuat Background
Pertama-tama anda harus membuat dokumen baru dengan ukuran 70x70 dengan warna background putih. Klik view >Grid > untuk menampilkan tampilan kotak. Pilih Line tool untuk menggambar garis 1px vertikal, Garis hitam paling kanan dari dokumen.

Kemudian duplikatkan layer tersebut.

Untuk membuat garis horizontal, Caranya sama dengan membuat garis vertikal.

Buat layer baru kemudian gunakan Marque Tool dan seleksi bagian kotak. Isi dengan warna hitam dengan opacity 60%.

Duplikatkan layer kemudian buat pattern seperti di gambar.

Klik Edit > Define Pattern dan beri nama Mozaik. Tutup dokumen dan akan keluar pada pattern library

Langkah 2 : Membuat kanvas besar
Buat layer 1024x768 dan gunakan sebagai background. Tambahkan gradien dengan warna #f9fff4, #ebf7e7 dan #e3f9ed

Buat layer diatasnya dan beri warna putih. Gunakan set Blend Mode Multiply dengan gradien Mozaik dan opacity 4%.

Langkah 3 : Content Layout
Buat layer folder dan beri nama Layout. Gunakan Rectangel Shape tool dan buat 365x747 dengan warna putih

Tambahkan Gradient effect dan isi dengan warna #e5e3e3, #f6f6f6 and #ffffff. Tambahkan Inner Glow Effect dengan warna putih, Opacity *0% dan size 54.

Langkah 4 : Bayangan
Buat layer dibawah dan buat persegi panjang

Tahan Command / Ctrl + Klik shape layer untuk membuat seleksi dari itu. Sementaralapisan kosong baru dibuat dipilih, isi dengan warna hitam # 000000. Pergi ke Filter>> BlurGaussian Blur dan masukkan radius 6px.

Tambahkan Layer mask dan atur dengan 300px lembut dan atur background dengan warna hitam. sapukan pada gambar.

Sapukan pada bayangan agar mendapatkan hasil yang indah.

Langkah 5 : Membuat Pola garis Putus-Putus
Kami ingin memberikan tata letak isi sedikit lebih dari sebuah makalah yang nyata terlihatsehingga kita perlu beberapa baris kertas horisontal. Untuk menambahkannya kita perlu menciptakan pola yang pertama. Buat dokumen baru 70 × 70 px, sama seperti yang kami lakukan dengan pola pertama kami. Aktifkan tampilan Grid dan menarik keluar dua (2)putih (# ffffff) persegi panjang di kedua sisi. Tinggalkan tengah ukuran dokumen(transparan) kosong dari satu unit grid. Gambarlah sebuah persegi panjang hitam ukuransetengah unit grid seperti ditunjukkan pada gambar.

Klik edit> Refine Pattern dan beri nama Dotted, Tutup dokumen.

Langkah 6 : Membuat Paper Efek
Sekarang kita dapat menerapkan pola ini untuk tata letak konten kami. Copy persegi panjang lapisan bentuk, menghapus efek dan mengubah warna untuk # 838383. Tambah efek overlay Pola dan memilih pola putus-putus yang kita buat pada langkah sebelumnya.Ubah layer mode ke Multiply Blend dan mengatur opacity menjadi 14%.

Saya ingin memberikan tampilan yang sedikit dipakai jadi saya menutupi garis horizontaldengan sikat grunge. Untuk melakukan hal ini, pergi pertama ke River Grafis dan ambil some cool grunge brush. Klik ikon masker kecil di bagian bawah palet layer, pilihsalah satu sikat grunge (apapun akan dilakukan), set warna latar belakang menjadi hitam #000000 dan sedikit menutupi pusat tata letak isi (baris) menjaga garis terlihat di bagiantepi.

Untuk membuatnya lebih bermunculan, saya menambahkan perbatasan hitamsemitransparanLakukan ini dengan menduplikasi layer bentuk dasar danmemindahkannya di bawahnya. Expand bentuk oleh 20px di setiap sisi, menghapus semua efek dari itu, mengatur warna latar belakang menjadi hitam dan opacity 3%. Selesai!

Langkah 7 : Membuat ribbon
Buat folder baru di bawah lapisan tata letak konten (folder tata letak) dan Rectangle Shape Tool menggunakan (U) menarik 78 × 72 px persegi panjangTempatkan sehinggatersembunyi tentang 10px bawah tata letak isiIsi dengan gradient overlay seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar dengan warna dari kiri ke kanan: # 525739 (lokasi 0%) dan #d6dbbf (lokasi 27%).
Beralih ke Direct Selection Tool (A) dan pilih jalan. Sekarang beralih ke Pen Tool (P) dan menambahkan titik anchor di bagian tengah bawah jalan seperti yang ditunjukkan padagambar. Sesuaikan pegangan jadi mereka dekat satu sama lain.

Tekan Shift lalu arahkan sampai menjadi 10px

Buat layer di atas dan gunakan Select Custom Shape lalu pilih salah satu gambar.
Ctrl + klik layer bentuk pita di bawahnya, pergi ke Select> Modify> Contract dan masukkan nilai 4px. Ini akan kontrak pemilihan oleh 4 px menciptakan perbatasan yang bagus di sekitar.

Aktifkan lalu klik layer bentuk bintang (pilih) dan klik ikon Mask di bagian bawah palet layer. Ini secara otomatis akan menutupi bentuk bintang dengan pemilihantenda kami kontrak sebelumnya.

Ubah warna #b2b7a1 and set opacity to 25%

Langkah 8 : Slide Counter
Buat layer baru di atas tata letak konten dan menggunakan Ellipse Tool menggambarkecil 52 × 52 px lingkaran. Isi dengan # e25601

Buat lapisan lain dan menempatkannya di bawah lingkaran merah. Pilih Custom Shape Tool dan pilih bentuk bintang meledak seperti ditunjukkan pada gambar. Isi dengan #e9c000. Tombol Shift Holding menggambar bentuk dari pusat lingkaran merah. Aturopacity layer menjadi 20%.

Duplikatkan lingkaran tersebut kemudian atur ukran dengan transform dan rotate

Tambahkan angka 1 pada tengah lingkaran.. atur Opacity menjadi 40%

Langkah 9 : Inner page
Setelah membuat layar pembuka kita sekarang akan membuat latar belakang generik yang akan digunakan untuk semua slide lain dari presentasi kami. Salin background.psddan mengganti nama ke inner.psd. Hapus folder lapisan pita dan semua konten,meninggalkan hanya tata letak konten. Sikut semua grafis yang tersisa 50px dari atasdokumen.

Pertama pilih bentuk dasar persegi panjang (yang satu dengan efek gradien), pilih Direct Selection Tool (A) dan memilih dua jangkar poin dasar bentuk itu. Holding Shift, tekanpanah bawah untuk memperluas persegi panjang sampai overspills batas dokumen.

Ulangi langkah dengan perbatasan semitransparan. Opsional Anda bisa skalaatau redraw bayangan juga.

Ganti angka pada lingkaran dan tambahkan Title dan Footer.

Inilah hasilnya. Selamat mencoba.